MENN by Moosajee Lookmanjee & Sons
Business Hours: Your decided hours are our business hours! We will visit you whenever and wherever you ask us to, as per your convenience.

The fabric of Moosajee Lookmanjee’s rich history started weaving itself in 1854. In a small factory, we started creating fabric sample for the best material available in the market at that time. Every knit and every weave was carefully observed and experimented with. Our hard work started paying off and we became the most trusted brand for cloth making.
The loom of time did not stop, but it did keeps changing. These were times of hardworking men who dedicated themselves to their profession and struggled to keep pace with their families. It was then, we knit a service that fit busy men like you. We come to you with fabric samples and leave with your measurements. Our skills reveal themselves to you in around two weeks, when you receive the most comfortable wear, made to your very measure.
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₨2,850.00 – ₨2,870.00